Running Through Grief

Twenty weeks ago my brother was killed in a workplace accident.

Twenty weeks ago my mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Twenty weeks ago I started Marathon Training, and it saved my sanity.

My mother has always told me that things happen for a reason.  As my marathon training dwindles to a taper I am thankful that fate provided me with an outlet to deal with the grief of losing a brother, and then the stress of providing palliative care for my mother.   The discipline of marathon training gave me structure in my suddenly chaotic life.   The training was something that I could control .

. Most of my runs were done solo and I started looking forward to the chance to “get away from it all” and just be by myself.  I did a lot of crying during those first few weeks of marathon training which enabled me to return home and be strong for my family.

As Mom’s illness progressed I was committed to spending more and more time with her.  It was her wish to die at home and it was truly an honor to help her achieve that goal.  I am fortunate to have a very supportive network of family so I was still able to continue with my marathon training.    Although I didn’t want to leave her side I knew that I had to take care of Me so I could take care of her.   It was during my long runs that I found peace, and strength to carry on.

My mother died three weeks ago.  I did my final long run on the day after her funeral. I have been doing short runs every day ..( remember .. I am a Streaker.. RSD # 685) but I crave a Long Run to clear my mind, and feel my feelings.  In two days I will get to go for that Long Run at the PEI Marathon.








This is Roger 30 years ago at his wedding, with our Mother.

This Marathon is dedicated the memory of Roger Alan Stevens and Sylvia Doreen Stevens.  You will not be forgotten.


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