I ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when

(April in Review)

April, the month when the calendar page says Spring but the weather clings stubbornly to Winter. Cold temperatures and rain make it hard to be cheerful, but the emerging crocuses and daffodils give me hope that better weather will be here soon.

Running is hard, but I remember how much joy it has brought me in the past so I am determined to keep at it. I have no real training plan.. I am just getting out there 2 or 3 times a week and see what happens. I am still doing Cybex strength training twice a week but now that I am running regularly, we will probably stop those sessions soon.

April 1 – Crappy weather. I ran a couple of short intervals and then 2 x 10 minutes with a bit of a break in between. It sucked.

April 5 Run/walk intervals then 20 minutes continuous. This sucks.

April 6 Run/ walk intervals. 10 minutes continuous. Sucky.

April 12 – Run/walk intervals. 10 minutes continuous. Blah!

April 13 – Ditto. same as yesterday.

April 17 , With a 5k race looming over me at the end of the month, I need to figure this out. Today’ s run was 4km, including warmup and short walk breaks. Ugh. this is hard.

April 19, After warming up, I planned 30 minutes continuous but couldn’t think of a reason to stop, so I did 40 minutes. It still sucked.

April 21 – After warmup, 30 minutes continuous. It wasn’t horrible.

April 26 I have been avoiding my running group since I got Covid. Though I have been symptom-free for a few weeks, I still cough at the end of my run. Tonight I joined a couple of people who were doing 4:1 run/walk intervals. I coughed at every walk interval, and at the end of the run.

April 30 Grand Digue 5k in 34:20. Read about it here. https://wordpress.com/post/yourpaceormine62.wordpress.com/9852

April was a Blah month for me. My mood matched the dark dismal weather but the running is progressing. Despite the weather, Grand Digue was the perfect way to end the month. Better days are ahead. I am confident of that.

April miles 44km

walking 188km

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