Word of the Day ( Fais Dodo)

Fais -dodo- Louisiana ; a country dance party

Well this looks like a fun word.  I was especially intrigued by the origin; it comes from Louisiana French and literally translated it means, “Go To Sleep.”

Let’s give you a brief history lesson.  A few hundred years ago people from Europe were leaving their homeland to build colonies in the country that we now know as Canada.  Settlers from France made themselves at home in the eastern part of the country and called their new home “Acadia.” They probably would have lived there happily ever after, but they were squabbling with the British.  They had a big fight which was won by Britain and the British people become the Boss of the Land.  Being generous people, the British allowed the Acadians to stay… as long as the Acadians pledged loyalty to the British.  Acadians balked. They mostly wanted to stay neutral.  Britain was displeased and threatened to kick them out.  Acadians didn’t take this threat seriously.

To make a long story short, the British weren’t joking around.  Things got ugly. They kicked the Acadians out of their homes and deported them.  Some of the Acadians went back to Europe.  Others found homes elsewhere.  Many ended up in Louisiana, which had a large French presence at that time.  Eventually the ‘Cadians became known as Cajuns.  The Cajuns are credited with the origin of todays’ Word of The Day.

The British weren’t 100% successful in their efforts to rid the land of the blight of the Acadians.   A few hid in the woods and eventually were responsible for repopulating the countryside with new generations of Acadians.  Today the English and French live (mostly) in harmony in New Brunswick.   I work with Acadians, I run with Acadians,  and I play with Acadians.   And I am appalled the WE kicked THEM out in 1755.  It was a horrible thing to do.  In my opinion the expulsion could have been avoided if they had gotten together for a big ol’ Fais Dodo instead of fighting over ownership of the land.

Let’s make love, not war.

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