Grand Digue 5k

Picture this; In February an injured runner learned that an April 30 race was being dedicated to the late Sylvio Burke. Never mind that she can’t run, nor are there any immediate plans to return to running. This runner immediately registered for the race.

In March things did not go well for the injured runner. A pinched nerve in her back and Covid derailed any plans to start running. Oh.. she tried to run.. . but it didn’t go well.

April was dark and dreary, and so were the runner’s spirits. A couple of weeks before race day she came to the realization that she might be walking most of the route. She was okay with that.. any movement is a step forward. But then something magical happened. The runner was able to run further distances with shorter walk breaks. Oh, she still had days when lingering Covid symptoms frustrated her and made running difficult but other days were easy. Some days she ran like the wind, on other days she ran like the winded.

Race day dawned cold and rainy. The dismal weather could not dampen the spirits of the runners who came from far-and-wide to run Sylvio’s race. For many, this was the first race since pre-Covid and there was much joyous laughter.

The injured runner toed the Start Line with many of her friends. She had no time goal. Her only hope was to run the entire distance, with no walk breaks. And she did! Despite the sideways rain and occasional sleet, she reveled in the joy of running for the sake of running.

That runner was Me. I have discovered my elusive love of Running.

RIP Sylvio. You are missed.

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