Ottawa Marathon Training Week 17

541560_10151321732477461_2014252815_nI hope you have not all been waiting with bated breath for the latest installment of my training schedule.  As I sat down tonight to update it the cat walked across my keyboard and the whole entry disappeared. ! As I scrambled feverishly to retrieve it, wordpress auto saved and I got nothing.  #damnedcat

So, here is the summary. I ran , I recovered, I cross trained, and I hydrated and rested.  It was a good week and I feel like I am in a good place mentally and physically. Longest run was 26km and it was awesome.  Total weekly mileage was a whopping 60km. No wonder I am so tired. ( but in a good way)

Stay tuned for Week 18. It promises to be exciting.

Oh, and I had a birthday and hubby bought me two pairs of running shoes. Yay, me!




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